How to Improve Your Customer Service Skills as a Barista

As a barista, having attention to detail is an essential skill that can help you make fewer mistakes and improve the customer experience. For instance, remembering what a regular customer orders every day can make them feel appreciated and more likely to keep coming back to your coffee shop. Customer service skills are just as important as barista skills, if not more. Successful coffee shop managers can help baristas provide excellent customer service. Investing in team development through training classes for baristas will keep everyone informed about best practices.

Creating an operations manual for employees can help processes run smoothly behind the scenes. Communicating expectations and providing honest feedback builds trust. Measuring and rewarding success makes employees feel engaged. As I went from barista to customer and became a regular at my local Starbucks, I can attest that it's great to be called by my name and for baristas to remember what I drink (Tall Americano, 1 unrefined sugar, a splash of 2% steamed).

Cynthia Blaskovich
Cynthia Blaskovich

Hardcore beer ninja. Evil zombie nerd. Infuriatingly humble bacon ninja. Hardcore creator. Amateur travel ninja.