How to Make Delicious Cold Brews as a Barista

Making cold brews is a process that requires a slower infusion than other coffee preparations. To achieve the desired flavor, baristas should grind the coffee beans to a slightly larger and thicker texture, and then soak the ground coffee in water for at least 12 hours. This method produces a mild, almost sweet flavor that will satisfy even the most discerning coffee drinkers. To get the perfect grind size, baristas should invest in a grinder that can produce a coarser grind than a standard espresso grinder.

Commercial grinders such as the Ditting KR805 or the Mahlkonig EK43 are ideal for this purpose. However, if you're looking for something more affordable and space-saving, the Baratza Forte or the Breville Smart Grinder Pro are great options that can be used for espresso, aeropress & and any other preparation method. Brewing cold coffee doesn't require any special skills or secrets. With the right equipment and technique, anyone can make delicious cold brews like a pro.

Cynthia Blaskovich
Cynthia Blaskovich

Hardcore beer ninja. Evil zombie nerd. Infuriatingly humble bacon ninja. Hardcore creator. Amateur travel ninja.