Safety Protocols for Baristas When Dealing with Customer Complaints

The hospitality industry is a competitive one, and it's essential to ensure that customers are satisfied with their experience. According to a study by Feed It Back, one of the leading specialists in customer reviews and online reputation, the most frequent complaint from restaurant customers is the “speed of service”. Up to 20% of negative comments were due to slow service or long waiting times, especially waiting between first courses and the reception of main courses. Customers also found it frustrating that people who arrived later received their food first. Jamie Hogg, our sales and development director, has extensive experience in hospitality.

With more than 15 years of experience as CEO of several bars, restaurants, hotels and pubs, Jamie has seen it all. Amie, our sales consultant, recently left the hospitality industry and is now using her experience to help others meet their training requirements. Amie has more than 7 years of experience in the industry, including 4 years working in an agricultural cafeteria, serving dishes from plate to plate. When dealing with customer complaints or disputes, it's important for baristas to follow certain safety protocols. Most people just want to be listened to when it comes to complaining.

Listen to the complaint openly, ask questions, and also take notes. Make sure you fully understand the problem and try to empathize with the customer. This will put them at ease and make solving the problem much easier. If you find that the customer is still very upset, ask them what they would like you to do to help fix the problem. This will give you a starting point from which you can try to reach a middle ground that satisfies everyone involved.

In any confrontational situation, if you show that you're actively listening to the customer, they'll calm down. Feeling that your point of view is important to you will help soothe wrinkles. When a customer isn't satisfied, their emotions are most likely already intense, but it's important for baristas to stay calm so that things don't get worse. It's understandable that it's very difficult to stay composed when someone complains, but being polite will keep you calm. It's also important to remember that other diners are likely listening to the interaction.

If you're polite, you can be sure that you haven't been showing yourself or your business badly.

Cynthia Blaskovich
Cynthia Blaskovich

Hardcore beer ninja. Evil zombie nerd. Infuriatingly humble bacon ninja. Hardcore creator. Amateur travel ninja.